Normal potency in men is the main part of his physical and mental health. Many men throughout their lives, and especially in old age, worry about the problem of maintaining a good potency.

Potency is a man's ability to have sexual intercourse, regardless of his reproductive function. But modern men's life with its bad habits, unhealthy diet, stress and chronic fatigue has a negative effect on a person's overall health, including male potency.
Injuries in the field of potency can occur in men at any age.
At the first symptoms of the detection of this pathology, immediately consult a doctor who will conduct a thorough examination, identify the causes of the disease and prescribe a specific treatment. Factors that negatively affect erectile function are usually eliminated first. In order to do this, men must adjust their lifestyle, give up, for example, bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. ). Useful for maintaining potency can also be some drugs that have a beneficial effect on male strength - male potency stimulants. They can be of natural origin or pharmaceutical. But before you turn to drugs, you should try to normalize potency by adjusting your diet,

External factors
Environmental disasters, environmental pollution - all this negatively affects people's health, in men it can lead to violations in the area of potency. Harmful working conditions, the process of working in rooms with polluted air can cause irreparable damage to the male body, especially if safety measures are not followed. But even the sitting position of the trunk, which is typical for many modern professions, can cause the outflow of blood from the genitals, which leads to the dysfunction of the entire reproductive system.
Proper nutrition also plays a significant role in men's health.
Food gives the body energy, provides elements for hormone synthesis. Such useful trace elements as phosphorus, zinc are actively involved in maintaining male potency. Zinc is the main element in the composition of testosterone. If there is not enough zinc in the body, then the production of male hormones decreases significantly, and the libido decreases. Also, phosphorus is part of testosterone, it participates in many important processes in the body, for example in synthesis. It affects erection, libido. Ascorbic acid, vitamin E are needed by the male body to prevent negative destructive cellular processes.

Often, disorders in the area of the reproductive system are formed due to stagnation of circulation, stress, chronic fatigue, hard physical work and other life problems. Bad habits (tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs) play a negative role in men's health.
Internal causes
First of all, these are various pathologies in the genitourinary system, infectious phenomena, inflammatory processes that directly cause dysfunction of the genital organs, and potency also suffers. Hormonal imbalance can lead to negative consequences, a decrease in sexual desire. Endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes), many cardiovascular anomalies (heart failure, etc. ), genetic pathologies, malignant neoplasms, congenital malformations, prostate adenoma - all these factors negatively affect male strength.

Age-related changes also negatively affect male potency. The aging process makes it difficult for men to achieve an erection, but age-related changes are irreversible, often leading to male impotence.
Stimulants of natural origin
Today, the pharmaceutical industry has in its arsenal a wide range of drugs for the stimulation of male potency. Many men prefer stimulants of natural origin. Also, to normalize male strength, you can use not only medicines, but also various useful nutrients that activate the functions of the reproductive system. These are aphrodisiac foods: nuts, seafood, meat dishes, etc. Dairy products, vegetables, eggs, fruit have a positive effect on men's health. Bee products are extremely useful in this case - they normalize male sexual functions, activate potency.

Pharmaceutical stimulants
If natural stimulants do not help to solve the problem of male potency, then special drugs prescribed by doctors are used. Only an experienced medical specialist will help the patient understand this problem, identify the causes of the pathology and determine the necessary drugs to eliminate the disease.
In this situation, various nutritional supplements are usually in great demand - herbal or homeopathic preparations of natural origin, which have a beneficial effect on male sexual power.
With their help, it is possible to establish erectile function, improve the quality of sexual relations.
The use of dietary supplements is not addictive. Their main function is to activate blood flow in the area of the male reproductive system, increasing erection.
Synthetic drugs
Generic substances that are part of synthetic male potency stimulants cause an active rush of blood to the penis, increasing its vascular pressure. Among them, the following drugs are the most popular:
- Based on tadalafil - consumed 15 minutes before sexual intercourse. They retain their effect for 36 hours. It is strictly forbidden to take it together with drinking alcoholic beverages;
- Based on sildenafil - taken one hour before sexual contact. They keep the effect for 5 hours. Do not take with alcohol, nor with fatty food;
- On the basis of vardenafil - reception should be half an hour before sexual intercourse. It is worth 12 hours. Alcohol or food addictions of a man in this situation do not affect the effect of the medicine.
It is not recommended to use any male potency stimulant without a doctor's prescription, as they may have contraindications and negative side effects.